Sonia Bates is a 19 year-old lady who lives at home with her parents. She is regularly active and swims every week

Sonia Bates is a 19 year-old lady who lives at home with her parents. She is regularly active and swims every week

Sonia Bates is a 19 year-old lady who lives at home with her parents

Last updated on October 8th, 2023 at 07:58 am

Sonia Bates is a 19 year-old lady who lives at home with her parents. She is regularly active and swims every week. She has a history of asthma and is usually well controlled on her asthma medication. Sonia presented to the emergency department, complaining of shortness of breath and tightness in her chest.

Subjective data
  • Was diagnosed with asthma at age 5 years
  • Is taking daily salbutamol prn and seretide 125/25 via MDI 2 puffs twice a day.
  • Has a non-productive cough and dyspnoea
  • Appears distressed
  • Able to speak in short phrases
Objective data

Physical examination

  • Audible bilateral wheeze on expiration
  • BP 110/60mmHg, HR 115 bpm, Temp 38.6 0Celsius, Resp 24 bpm, SaO2 93% RA, GCS 15
  • Pulsus paradoxus palpable
  • Visible use of accessory muscles
  • Lung auscultation, decreased air entry both sides L=R

Diagnostic studies

  • Peak flow 75% predicted value
  • Chest Xray NAD
  • ABG’s: pH 7.47, HCO3 23 mmol/L, PaCO2 35, PaO272

Aim of assessment

The purpose for this case study essay is to enable students to produce an assignment, using evidence-based information, to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of asthma and the nursing care required of these patients. Content should include a discussion on the pathophysiology of the condition, analysis of the clinical manifestations, nursing management, assessment/investigations for asthma, treatment options based on national guidelines and implications for nursing practice.

Your assignment is to produce a written piece of work addressing the following areas;

Briefly explain the pathophysiology of asthma in this patient. In your answer identify the clinical manifestations of asthma demonstrated by Sonia and why these are occurring.


Outline the immediate nursing and medical management Sonia requires in the treatment of this exacerbation of asthma. In your answer include the pharmacological management required by a patient with an acute exacerbation of asthma.


Identify three medications that would be used in the treatment of Sonia and outline the indication for use, mechanism of action, administration method, side effects, and nursing care required for these medications (No tables).


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