Challenges in getting NGOs to conduct quality evaluations

Challenges in getting NGOs to conduct quality evaluations

Challenges in getting NGOs to conduct quality evaluations

Last updated on January 14th, 2025 at 05:19 am

Challenges in getting NGOs to conduct quality evaluations 

There are many inherent challenges in getting NGOs to conduct quality evaluations and using these learnings to continuously improve activities. How can NGOs combine the need for effective evaluation to judge their own performance with the demands from outside stakeholders for information?

Structure of the PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Introduction
  • Overview of why evaluation is important for international NGOs
  • Assessment of why NGO evaluations lack effectiveness
  • Analyze how NGOs can balance the need for effective evaluation with outside demands
  • Conclusion summarizing the main points of your presentation.
  • References.

Here are the readings for the week, and you may also use them as references:
Journal Readings:

  1. Ellis, J. and Gregory, T. (2008). Accountability and learning: Developing monitoring and evaluation in the third sector. Charities Evaluation Services. Retrieved from
  2. Brown, A. (March 2016). Differences between the Theory of Change and the Logic Model. Retrieved from:!Differences-between-the-Theory-of-Change-and-the-LogicModel/czf9/56ef00e30cf276e9de24b67d


  1. American Evaluation Association. (n.d.). Evaluation jitters part one: Planning for an evaluation. Retrieved from
  2. American Evaluation Association. (n.d.). Evaluation Jitters part two: Managing and evaluation. Retrieved from


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