NSC3103 Clinical Sciences 3 Clinical Update

NSC3103 Clinical Sciences 3 Clinical Update

Alzheimer’s, Tuberculosis, Chronic Heart Failure or Osteoporosis Clinical Update

Last updated on January 20th, 2025 at 05:26 am

This NSC3103 Clinical Sciences 3 Clinical Update is a 2000 word clinical update on one of the topics below.

  • Alzheimer’s, Tuberculosis
  • Chronic Heart Failure
  • Osteoporosis

Clinical updates are concise articles designed for educational purposes on clinical issues that relate to practice. You can find some examples of clinical updates in the “My Assessments” folder. Please note these are examples only and may not meet all the requirements of this assignment. There are also some examples of previous student papers that received a HD.


  • Aetiology, pathophysiology and incidence world/national
  • Diagnostic methods/tests
  • Clinical course and prognosis
  • Treatment options
  • Public health implications


  • Aetiology, pathophysiology and incidence world / national
  • Diagnostic methods/tests
  • Clinical course and prognosis
  • Treatment options
  • Public health implications

Chronic Heart Failure

  • Aetiology, pathophysiology and incidence world / national
  • Diagnostic methods/tests
  • Clinical course and prognosis
  • Treatment options
  • Public health implications


  • Aetiology, pathophysiology and incidence world / national
  • Diagnostic methods/tests
  • Clinical course and prognosis
  • Treatment options
  • Public health implications

• Introduction:

Provide epidemiological data to illustrate relevant the topic is (Australia and worldwide), definition/explanation about the nature of the condition/disease process, objectives and scope and structure of your paper. A good introduction will get the reader’s interest.

• Aetiology & pathogenesis:

➢ Causes of the disease and risk factors
➢ Explanation of anatomy/physiology where appropriate
➢ Pathogenesis, i.e. how the disease progresses and complications
➢ Implications for public health

• Clinical manifestations:

Explain the signs and symptoms.

• Diagnostic process:

Provide information on a comprehensive diagnostic work-up with rationales

• Treatment:

➢ Implications for pharmacological management (types, action, dosage, side effects)
➢ Non-pharmacological treatment options
➢ Health promotion
➢ Provide rationales for your treatment options, based on the literature

• Conclusion:

This should include a summary of the most relevant points for the practice of a registered nurse. Do not introduce new material. This could be summarised as bullet points.


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