English Comp 2 Research Proposal

English Comp 2 Research Proposal

English Comp 2 Research Proposal 

English Comp 2 Research Proposal 

English Comp 2 Research Proposal   


This is not the research project.  It is merely a research proposal.  It only requires one source; however, please remember to cite information in the text (in text citations) and complete the Works Cited Page.  This is five paragraphs.  Follow the outline.


    • Identify the issue or problem that your research will address and attempt to resolve.
    • What is the significance of the issue?
    • Provide insight to the relevance of the issue.
    • Construct a thesis that states the main point(s) of the proposal:
      • Thesis Construction idea for this research review in one sentence = name it (issue) + verb it (powerful) + finish it (impact of issue, research approach, intended audience – see underlines below)


Summary of the what you already know about the issue.

    • Explain and describe what you already know about the issue.
    • How does the issue impact society?
    • What factor(s) contribute to the issue’s ongoing presence?


Summary of your research approach.

    • Explain what more you need to learn about the issue.
    • What do you plan to research regarding the issue? Literature Review should be a part of this plan as well as current trends, data, etc.
    • Will you have to clarify terms and concepts?
    • What research is needed for the opposing viewpoint?
    • What kinds of sources will you use for your research?


Summary of your intended audience.

    • Describe the intended audience for your research.
    • Who needs to know about this issue?
    • Is the audience general, specialized, or both?
    • Discuss what people or group of people might benefit from reading your paper.
    • How will your audience benefit from your research?



    • Why it is worthy of a solution?
    • What is at stake if the problem is not solved?

Works Cited (Follow the format of a Works Cited Page)