Factors Influencing Facility Location
7.2 Factors Influencing Facility Location Discussion
Your textbook outlines nine general factors that influence the facility location decision. While all of the factors may not apply to a firm, many if not most will.
The chart below assigns you to a topic according to your last name. Provide a general overview of your assigned topic, explain why it is important, and then find a firm that has located one of their facilities in line with your topic.
First letter of your LAST name | Topic |
A – B | Natural Resources |
C – E | Population Characteristics – Market for Goods |
F – H | Population Characteristics – Labor |
I – K | Taxes and Incentives |
L – N | Transportation Considerations |
O – Q | Proximity to Industry Clusters |
R – T | Trade Patterns |
U – W | Quality-of-Life Considerations |
X – Z | Locating in Other Countries |
Post and Engage
Post your initial response no later than the fourth day of the module week and return later to respond to at least two of your peers. A minimum of two replies is required.
Engage and express critical thinking through your responses to promote an interactive learning experience. The minimum and maximum word limits for the initial post are 250 and 500 words respectively.
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