Highly acclaimed Roland Joffé film The Mission

Highly acclaimed Roland Joffé film The Mission

Highly acclaimed Roland Joffé film The Mission

Last updated on January 20th, 2025 at 06:34 am

The highly acclaimed Roland Joffé film The Mission could be characterized as a case study in different perspectives on how Christians relate to culture, and how to best fulfill God’s purposes in the world. To complete this assignment, you first need to watch The Mission. There are several ways to rent and watch this movie online, including iTunes (Links to an external site.), Netflix (Links to an external site.), Walmart (Links to an external site.), or Amazon Video on Demand (Links to an external site.). Local public libraries often carry the film to check out as well. (Before watching the film, I would recommend reading a plot summary (Links to an external site.) in order to be familiar with the setting and circumstances of the story.) While you’re watching the movie, consider the perspectives of the three characters. When you’re finished, answer the questions below.


Mendoza Perspective 1: Rodrigo Mendoza (Robert De Niro)

During the climax of the film when the fate of the mission is at stake, what does Rodrigo ultimately decide is the best way to accomplish God’s purposes? What relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the World is reflected in his decision? Consider both the goals and methods of each kingdom in your answer. Identify a specific contemporary Christian person or Christian-affiliated group who serves as a representative of such a position today.

Gabriel Perspective 2: Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons)

During the climax of the film when the fate of the mission is at stake, what does Father Gabriel ultimately decide is the best way to accomplish God’s purposes? What relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the World is reflected in his decision? Consider both the goals and methods of each kingdom in your answer. Identify a specific contemporary Christian person or Christian-affiliated group who serves as a representative of such a position today.

Perspective 3: The Prelate, Father Altamirano (Ray McAnally)

Altamirano During the climax of the film when the fate of the mission is at stake, what does Father Altamirano ultimately decide is the best way to accomplish God’s purposes? What relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the World is reflected in his decision? Consider both the goals and methods of each kingdom in your answer. Identify a specific contemporary Christian person or Christian-affiliated group who serves as a representative of such a position today.

Summary Questions
  • What is your overall reaction to the movie?
  • What are the issues raised in the movie?
  • What insights (if any) did you gain from the film?



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