Last updated on October 7th, 2023 at 10:58 am
Assess how comprehensive and actionable the document is in informing strategy as well as in implementing tactics and measuring effectiveness. Assume you are a peer mentor for the writers and give coaching on how to write a better marketing plan. Be specific instead of making general quality statements. For example, instead of characterizing the company analysis as “satisfactory;” explain what critical information is missing and why that matters.
Consider the following questions:
- How do the different elements of the marketing plan add up? Do they make sense as a whole?
- Are all important aspects of the marketing plan covered? What is missing and why is this a problem?
- Is the plan backed up by facts? What data is provided? Is it interpreted appropriately?
- Are the recommendations reasonable and plausible? Do you think that the plan is feasible? Why? Why not? What evidence is there that it will lead to success?
- Does the plan provide a clear implementation playbook including specific tactics, success criteria, and metrics?
- Do the authors provide financial scenarios of the marketing plan?
- What recommendations do the authors make for to proceed/pivot/cancel based on the information gathered in the tactics?
[Focus on content of the marketing plan, not written communication skills]
Summarize your main points and identify next steps in a short paragraph at the end of the assessment. You will be assessed on the quality of your conclusion
Grading Criteria.
The following criteria will be used to grade your midterm paper
Problem Recognition
- Concisely outline the main strengths of the marketing plan and pinpoint areas for improvement.
Depth of Analysis
- Reflection: Describe thoughtfully what something means or new insights it provides, or raise a question as a seed for clarification or further discussion.
- Analysis: Discuss relevant themes, concepts, main ideas, components, or relationships among ideas. Or, identify hidden assumptions or fallacies in reasoning.
- Elaboration: Build on the ideas provided or ideas found in the readings by adding details, examples, a different point of view or other relevant information.
- Evaluation: Assess the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of ideas.
Successful Application of Technology Marketing concepts
- Reference to concepts discussed in class that were either applied well (why? how?) or that could be considered to improve the effectiveness of the marketing plan
Quality of Discussion & Conclusion
- The written and verbal communication conveys professionalism, is well-organized, and free of formatting, grammatical or spelling errors.
- Material used in the writing of the plan taken from external sources is appropriately referenced both within the document and on a reference page. Emphasize brevity. A substantive assessment does not have to be long. “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”― Mark Twain. Writing a hundred words requires more mental effort than writing a thousand. Distilling the essence of what you want to say and making the effort to cut out what is extraneous requires a lot of cognitive effort.
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