Last updated on October 8th, 2023 at 08:16 am
The purpose of this report is to allow students to document their learning experience and record their responses and thoughts about their growth and development during the 22- week internship. Students are also expected to reflect on how the NP Core Values have guided them throughout the internship.
The report should focus on students’ personal and professional development during the internship attachment and how the internship is preparing them for the future workplace
Each student will submit a report documenting and reflecting his or her experience(s) during the 22-week internship.
You are required to include the following areas:
1. Provide a summary of your Training & Learning Plan and the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the internship. What are the areas you have achieved and how did you achieve them? What are your thoughts about the goals that you have not achieved?
2. Conduct a critical analysis on how the following experiences have impacted your personal and professional growth:
a. Solving a challenge you faced at work
b. Engaging with your workplace mentor
c. Networking with industry practitioners (and any other work-related interactions with colleagues)
d. articipating in a community initiative during the internship that addresses social issues such as mental health, climate change and promoting social cohesion
3. Showcase a work project* completed during the internship.
a. Select your best work/project
b. Describe the project (support with artefacts where possible) and its impact to the business
c. Reflect on the classroom learning (knowledge and skills) that you have applied in the project. What knowledge and skills were most useful and in what ways were they useful?
If you had to work with other colleagues on the project, please also cover the following:
i. Evaluate and reflect on how the actions and behaviours of your team members had influenced you.
ii. Reflect on what you and your team had done well and what could have been done better.
iii. What was your overall impact on the project?In what ways did you make a difference to the team?
d. Examine how the new skills you have acquired at the workplace have enabled you to complete the project e.Provide evidence of feedback on the project by your company supervisor 4.Discuss the influence of this internship on your future plan (career, further studies).
Please also reflect on the following:
a. Your strengths and areas you would like to further develop
b.Impact of changes or developments in the industry
c. Actions you would take to continue to develop yourself
5.Please submit your Training & Learning Plan (signed by your supervisor) together with the Internship Report., and its afilliate blog, is a custom essay writing service that has been providing academic support with great success for more than five years. We are constantly updating our objectives in order to improve the quality of service we deliver and increase client satisfaction. We’ve progressed to an original concept as a result of our success.