Legislative Update concerning the APRN Consensus Model
Last updated on September 28th, 2023 at 05:41 am
After reviewing the article on the Legislative Update concerning the APRN Consensus Model, identify and summarize at least three state scope of practice/regulatory authority amendments that you believe are appropriate and in the public interest. Please provide your reasoning to support your position. In addition, if you believe any of the state amendments are inappropriate, please identify the amendment(s) and provide your reasoning.
Finally, conduct Internet research to locate at least one of the actual amendments you discussed and provide the link to the amendment in your main post. In your follow up posts, respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial or secondary posts, indicating if you agree or disagree with their conclusions and why. You may post your follow-ups either to posts responding to this question or to posts responding to the question for Financial Services students.
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