Synthesis Question Based on Formative Questions

Synthesis Question Based on Formative Questions

Synthesis Question Based on Formative Questions

Synthesis Question Based on Formative Questions 

Complete the initial formative questions. Use your responses to the formative questions to form your response to the synthesis question.

Formative Questions:

  1. Describe the key issues that Ripley’s book brings to light with regard to global education in general and some aspects of Chinese education in particular.
  2. Evaluate to what extent Ripley’s approach and or conclusions are fair and persuasive.
  3. In your view what are the implications of her analysis for Chinese teachers/policymakers?
  4. What steps could to be taken by either or both countries to improve the specific issues in question?
  5. What is your overall impression of the book? Who would you recommend the book to and why?

Synthesis Question:

Based on the responses to the formative questions, write a book review that clearly expresses your response to the book— use the following outline to guide you as you write:


Provide a short summary of the book’s contents and the reasons why the book is or is not a

significant contribution to your understanding of both the way the book throws light on Chinese education and that of the US.

Second and third paragraphs:

Focus in these paragraphs on some of Ripley’s key findings and insights particularly in the

context of Chinese education.


What is your overall impression of the book? Who might benefit from reading it? And why?