The Practical Economy
Given that an economy is experiencing unemployment in the 8-9% range and the Federal debt is at an all-time high, design an economic policy (that uses one or both of fiscal and/or monetary policy) to reduce the rate of unemployment. Your paper should be a 400 – 500 word exploration (roughly 1-2 pages) about your proposed economic policy.
Make sure your exploration addresses the following:
1. Define what fiscal policy is
2. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of fiscal policy
3. Define what monetary policy is
4. Explain the strengths and weaknelses of monetary policy
5. Given that the actual policy choice is somewhat normative in nature, outline the policy you would choose to use and justify the policy based on the strengths and weaknesses of your options.
6. Describe which macroeconomic theory we reviewed you used as a basis to develop your policy., and its afilliate blog, is a custom essay writing service that has been providing academic support with great success for more than five years. We are constantly updating our objectives in order to improve the quality of service we deliver and increase client satisfaction. We’ve progressed to an original concept as a result of our success.