Types of curricula implemented in early childhood programs in the United States and around the country

Types of curricula implemented in early childhood programs in the United States and around the country

types of curricula implemented in early childhood programs in the United States and around the country

There are many types of curricula implemented in early childhood programs in the United States and around the country. Many programs use a combination of curricula. Some curricula include a project-based approach, but they are distinct from what is known as The Project Approach.  While The Project Approach is rooted in tried and true approaches that have been implemented around the world for over 500 years, the approach is in keeping with current research on effective practices that prepare children for success and fulfillment in this century and the future. The Project Approach includes these 7 features of 21st Century learning and teaching are adapted from Bolstad et al. (2012): 1) Personalized learning, 2) Equity, diversity, and inclusivity, 3) Learning through doing 4) Changed role of the teacher (collaborator, facilitator), 5) Community relationships. 6) Technology, 7) Teacher professionalization. In the Project Approach, teachers guide students through in-depth studies of real-world topics. Projects have three phases: The first phase is planning a lesson according to the children’s interests. The second phase is determining what children already know to build a lesson off of the children’s knowledge. The third phase is presenting the activity in the classroom, and sharing it with others such as family, or those in the school or wider community. Teaching and learning are seen as interactive processes where children are usually enthusiastic and highly motivated as they are actively involved in their own learning. Advocates claim that The Project Approach results in high-quality work and the growth of individuals and collaborators.​To prepare for this Journal, first, watch the two videos below that show The Project Approach in action in schools in Ohio.

  • Reflect on two take-aways from each video and describe your reaction to the things you noted.
  • Share your opinion on The Project Approach and any experience or prior knowledge about it.
  • Describe how The Project Approach can support critical learning in STEM –  science, technology, engineering, and math.


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