Video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury

Video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury

Video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury

Last updated on January 14th, 2025 at 07:16 am

Video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury 

For this video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury, each student be assigned, by the instructor, a work-related disease or injury to discuss in the student’s video-narrated presentation. For the Literature Search Assignment, the student will find at least 2 peer-reviewed professional journal articles, which will eventually provide evidence for the final presentation. The student will search one or more of the UC library databases (such as CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus, or Cochrane) to locate the professional journal articles. The student will also consult at least one government healthcare website, such as the CDC, NIH, NIOSH, OSHA, DOL, or a state department of health, to provide data to support the final presentation. APA format of in-text citations and reference list will be required for this assignment. The grading rubric for the literature search assignment is below.

Video-Narrated Power Point Presentation

Each student be assigned, by the instructor, a work-related disease or injury (or group of them) to discuss in the student’s video-narrated presentation. Below is a grading rubric for the final presentation.

Criteria Description Possible  Points
Condition (or Group of Related

Conditions, as Assigned)

Name the occupational disease, injury, or condition (or group of them, as assigned by instructor)


Pathophysiology Briefly describe the pathophysiology of the occupational disease, injury, or condition 10
History Describe occupational history questions pertaining to the diagnosis and evaluation of workers with this condition 10
Physical Assessment Elements Describe occupational health physical assessment elements relevant to diagnosis and evaluation of workers with this condition


Other Pertinent Clinical Findings Describe other potentially relevant clinical findings among workers who present with this condition 10
Screening Methods Describe available methods to screen worker populations for this condition 10
Primary Prevention Discuss which primary prevention interventions are appropriate measures occupational health nurses may apply to prevent development of this condition among healthy workers 10
Secondary Prevention Discuss which secondary prevention interventions are appropriate measures 10



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