Last updated on January 14th, 2025 at 06:01 am
Explain why this SDG is relevant for the chosen country from a societal/population perspective down to the level of individuals. Include epidemiological information (E.g. prevalence among population(s), cost to society and how these costs compare and contrast globally). Integrate course concepts into the discussion. Do not list the concepts, rather ensure that they appear in your discussion and analysis. Identify one NGO that is effectively addressing the SDG in your chosen country.
Integrate course concepts by considering which concepts (such as politics, power, policy, advocacy, education, etc.)/determinants of health/community development principles are being addressed by the NGO’s approach. What progress have they made? What are their long-term plans (if available), the barriers and opportunities? What are the potential or actual roles for nurses? (Potential roles could include whatever you envision could be roles for nurses based on your knowledge of root causes and upstream health promotion. Think about professional activities nurses engage in: political lobbying, policy development, interdisciplinary collaboration, professional advancement through scholarship and media campaigns, health promotion elements from the Ottawa Charter, etc.
A strong introduction including a clear thesis statement; clear connections between paragraphs; clear connections between ideas; arguments well-supported by research; evidence of depth of critical reflection and analysis; integration of course concepts; and a strong conclusion.
In week 6, submit an introduction for your final paper that includes a strong declarative thesis statement related to the goal/NGO (i.e. the NGO is successfully addressing which SDG) and 4 references (could be related to any of: the goal, the NGO, health implications of the relevant global issue to the chosen country, approaches to addressing the issues/goal). See the rubric for guidance as you write it. is a custom essay writing service that has been providing academic support with great success for more than five years. We are constantly updating our objectives in order to improve the quality of service we deliver and increase client satisfaction. We’ve progressed to an original concept as a result of our success.