Last updated on February 5th, 2025 at 08:43 am
Social Work Skills Lab II Case Presentation Assignment:
During the on-ground, residency portion of Skills Lab II, you will have attended sessions covering topics relevant to advanced clinical social work practice. During Skills Lab II, you join with a group of three to four students to present a clinical case. You will create your own case—this case will be a situation you have faced in practice or one you create. During the presentation, you and each group member are expected to demonstrate knowledge, awareness, and skills appropriate to a concentration-year master’s student.
The presentation should include the following:
The presentation is expected to be 15 minutes, with 5 minutes of questions from your cohort (a total of 20 minutes for the presentation and questions). You should time your presentation to make sure it is no longer than 15 minutes. Appropriate citations are expected for all of the information presented. Without appropriate citations, the information will not be considered valid.
You are expected to use your advising/practice time in residency to create and participate in the project. Your ability to gain full points on the residency component of the Social Work Skills Lab depends on a quality presentation that demonstrates critical thinking and thoughtfulness. You will not be successful in this project by assigning out different pieces to group members and then integrating at the final moments. You are expected to work together each afternoon with your group on this project while faculty will be available to assist.
This is a group assignment with a group grade. Groups are randomly assigned on the first day of residency. If there is a problem within the group dynamics, part of the grade is the ability of the group to work out these issues and to collaborate and create a cohesive presentation. is a custom essay writing service that has been providing academic support with great success for more than five years. We are constantly updating our objectives in order to improve the quality of service we deliver and increase client satisfaction. We’ve progressed to an original concept as a result of our success.