Last updated on February 5th, 2025 at 08:41 am
For this Psychology of Gender assignment, research on the role that hormones might play in the development of gender roles.
Part One:
If you choose to do the research paper (creative project), you are expected to write a paper that should be no less than seven pages long, excluding the title and reference page(s). You should research the topic using library
resources and additional readings and references at the end of the chapters assigned. The paper must follow APA format, including citations for all references you use and submitted to the Assignment box.
Part Two:
A PowerPoint presentation of your work must be submitted as well. This PowerPoint should of a quality that one would expect to see accompanying an oral presentation. The PowerPoint should be no more than ten
slides. You will be required to create a 7-10 minute PowerPoint presentation during the semester outlining and recording. Your PowerPoint must be saved in .ppt (not .pptx) and emailed to me on the date and time it is due. Video clips are encouraged but videos may not exceed two (2) minutes total. You must have completed and submitted the 2-3 page synopsis of your project into the Assignment box prior to giving your PPT Presentation.
Part Three:
Synopsis – No less than four pages in length and should specify why you chose medium, artistic choices made during its creation, how it relates to sexuality, relevant resources/references, and APA formatted. is a custom essay writing service that has been providing academic support with great success for more than five years. We are constantly updating our objectives in order to improve the quality of service we deliver and increase client satisfaction. We’ve progressed to an original concept as a result of our success.