Prominent Theorist, Activist, Or Reformer Within Criminology Each student will choose a prominent theorist, activist, or reformer within criminology to research (historical or contemporary and from […]
For this assignment, take a notebook with you to a public setting where social interaction takes place (restaurant, public library, public park, shopping mall, airport, etc.). […]
How is your foreign criminal justice system structured with its law enforcement, court system, and corrections practices; How is your foreign criminal justice system structured with […]
You are a newly hired police officer, and you have just been released from your department’s field training program, which means you are riding solo in […]
September 17, 2020
September 17, 2020
Death Penalty
For this assignment you will choose a subject related to the death penalty and find an academic (peer reviewed) article on the topic. You can find […]
2a) using Evaluative Criteria for judging each of the policy option; don’t forget a description of three criteria (ex. outcome effectiveness, cost efficiency, political feasibility, social […]
The Age-Graded theory emphasizes the importance of building social capital as a means of decreasing Juvenile Delinquency. As a professional working with adolescents, describe how you […]
Briefly explain the Fundamental principles as found in the U.S. Constitution below and identify how each is at work in the American political system. Limited Government: Include Constitutional […]
Prisons fail to adequately rehabilitate offenders. Research and critically discuss this issue. PLEASE USE HARVARD STYLE REFERENCING METHOD FOR BELOW: Please use three (3) academic references […]
Applying material from your research and the work of sociologists, evaluate the contribution of Labeling Theory to our understanding of crime and deviance. Paper details: With […]
Identify and thoroughly explain the five suspected causes of gang delinquency explained in the text. Each “view” needs to be in paragraph form (paragraphs 1 – […]
For this criminal justice cyber-crime scrapbook, students will choose a news media article, and apply concepts discussed during lecture (this can include media introduced) and/or course […]
Exclusionary Rule, Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause: NY. Officer Darren Jacob frisks Sean Carter and Richard Chilton Facts of the case On October 31, 2019, in New […]
Identify a major prison gang within American prison. What is the history, mission, and purpose of the gang? Need help with this assignment? Tell Us […]