August 19, 2021
Drawback of Private Prisons

Drawback of Private Prisons

What do you think is the number one drawback of private prisons? If you were a consultant for a private prison, how would you go about […]
June 9, 2021
Prominent Theorist Activist or Reformer Within Criminology

Prominent Theorist, Activist, Or Reformer Within Criminology

Prominent Theorist, Activist, Or Reformer Within Criminology   Each student will choose a prominent theorist, activist, or reformer within criminology to research (historical or contemporary and from […]
June 6, 2021
take a notebook with you to a public setting where social interaction takes place

Take a notebook with you to a public setting where social interaction takes place

For this assignment, take a notebook with you to a public setting where social interaction takes place (restaurant, public library, public park, shopping mall, airport, etc.). […]
June 5, 2021
foreign criminal justice system structured with its law enforcement, court system, and corrections practices

foreign criminal justice system structured with its law enforcement, court system, and corrections practices

How is your foreign criminal justice system structured with its law enforcement, court system, and corrections practices; How is your foreign criminal justice system structured with […]
January 8, 2021
You are a newly hired police officer

You are a newly hired police officer, and you have just been released from your department’s field training program,

You are a newly hired police officer, and you have just been released from your department’s field training program, which means you are riding solo in […]
September 17, 2020
For this assignment you will choose a subject related to the death penalty and find an academic (peer reviewed) article on the topic. You can find […]
July 17, 2020
Alternative to Mass Incarceration

Judging each of the policy option

2a) using Evaluative Criteria for judging each of the policy option; don’t forget a description of three criteria (ex. outcome effectiveness, cost efficiency, political feasibility, social […]
July 16, 2020
Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency

The Age-Graded theory emphasizes the importance of building social capital as a means of decreasing Juvenile Delinquency. As a professional working with adolescents, describe how you […]
July 11, 2020
Fundamental principles as found in the U.S. Constitution

Principles as found in the U.S. Constitution

Briefly explain the Fundamental principles as found in the U.S. Constitution below and identify how each is at work in the American political system. Limited Government: Include Constitutional […]
July 10, 2020
Prisons fail to adequately rehabilitate offenders

Prisons fail to adequately rehabilitate offenders

Prisons fail to adequately rehabilitate offenders. Research and critically discuss this issue. PLEASE USE HARVARD STYLE REFERENCING METHOD FOR BELOW: Please use three (3) academic references […]
July 10, 2020
Is the Supreme Court Apolitical

Is the Supreme Court Apolitical?

Is the Supreme Court Apolitical? How does behavioral science play a factor in political bias within the Supreme Court?     Need help with this or […]
July 10, 2020
Labeling Theory and the understanding of crime and deviance.

Labeling Theory and the understanding of crime and deviance.

Applying material from your research and the work of sociologists, evaluate the contribution of Labeling Theory to our understanding of crime and deviance. Paper details: With […]
July 3, 2020
gang delinquency

gang delinquency

Identify and thoroughly explain the five suspected causes of gang delinquency explained in the text. Each “view” needs to be in paragraph form (paragraphs 1 – […]
June 12, 2020
Criminal justice cyber-crime scrapbook

Criminal justice cyber-crime scrapbook

For this criminal justice cyber-crime scrapbook, students will choose a news media article, and apply concepts discussed during lecture (this can include media introduced) and/or course […]
May 20, 2020
Exclusionary Rule, Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause

Exclusionary Rule, Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause

Exclusionary Rule, Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause: NY. Officer Darren Jacob frisks Sean Carter and Richard Chilton   Facts of the case On October 31, 2019, in New […]
February 14, 2020
Identify a major prison gang within American prison

Identify a major prison gang within American prison

Identify a major prison gang within American prison. What is the history, mission, and purpose of the gang?   Need help with this assignment? Tell Us […]