Gina is a healthy 32-year-old lawyer who presents to the clinic with recent onset of intermittent headaches. She recently started at a new law firm and […]
Increased risk for suicide in 56-year-old recently divorced Joe Joe, a recently divorced, 56-year-old Caucasian man presents to you, his primary-care provider, with complaints of insomnia […]
Consider the article, Red Flags: Identifying Sex Trafficking Victims in the ED, and read the following case study; The practitioner is working in the urgent care […]
This NSC3103 Clinical Sciences 3 Clinical Update is a 2000 word clinical update on one of the topics below. Alzheimer’s, Tuberculosis Chronic Heart Failure Osteoporosis Clinical […]
For this NCS3203 legal and ethical issues in nursing case study analysis: You are required to watch the Assessment three assessment video, available on Bb under […]
Focus on one (1) disease but three (3) audiences (patient, family and staff development). Provide a purpose and rationale for selecting the topic/disease. Describe the philosophical […]
Compare the current U.S. health care system with a different health care system used in an OECD country. Describe similarities and differences in structures, approaches, and […]
Professional Identity And Stewardship – Part I: Peer Interview Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin […]
In this NUR231 three statements that relate to content in the OLTs, students will be required to submit a 2500-word written assignment answering one of three statements […]
For this NUM1203 Case study assignment, complete the topic associated with the first letter of your Surname A-G: Influenza B H-M: Deep Vein Thrombosis N-R: Rheumatoid […]
Video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury For this video-narrated presentation of a work-related disease or injury, each student be assigned, by the instructor, a […]
Answerable question related to a clinical problem Describe an answerable question related to a clinical problem (practice, policy or education) in your chosen specialty track (nursing […]
Find an established theory that addresses the topic you’re exploring in this course. This theory can be one that was arrived at via quantitative or qualitative […]
Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment For this Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment, select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the […]