September 2, 2021
Select one of the descriptive/observational approaches to research

Select one of the descriptive/observational approaches to research

Select one of the descriptive/observational approaches to research that you read about this week. Then, describe and detail this approach, and prepare a written assessment to […]
November 5, 2020
organizational behavior practices that foster positive changes in the workforce

Organizational behavior practices that foster positive changes in the workforce

Write an expository essay about organizational behavior practices that foster positive changes in the workforce. When writing the paper, make sure to cover these points: provide […]
July 21, 2020
HRD4950 Internship in Human Resource Development (Oakland University)

HRD4950 Internship in HR Development

The purpose of this HRD4950 Internship in Human Resource Development (Oakland University) assignment is to; 1) give you a start on thinking through you research study, […]
July 18, 2020
Sociological Research Methods: Sociological Research Methods

Sociological Research Methods

For this Sociological Research Methods project, you dipped your toe into survey research. You didn’t have a lot of time and you are just learning the techniques, […]
July 14, 2020
COMM CyberSecurity: Assignment 7 — Recommendation Report 

Incident response recommendation report 

Your job now is to create a recommendation report for management since at this point your company has gone through all the phases of the incident […]
July 14, 2020
Find 5 sources and review each source

Find 5 sources and review each source

Find 5 sources and review each source. (Five short paragraph – 1 page) Each source must include the following : 1. Describe the problem 2. State […]
July 12, 2020
ENGL2010 Research Project

ENGL2010 Research Project

Review the guidelines for the ENGL2010 research project (these can be found in the drop box for this assignment), especially those that concern appropriate secondary sources. […]
July 11, 2020
Nursing in a Multicultural Society

Nursing in a Multicultural Society

The purpose of this Nursing in a Multicultural Society paper is to raise awareness of cultural sensitivity in healthcare, enhance culturally competent care delivery, and develop […]
July 11, 2020
Fundamental principles as found in the U.S. Constitution

Principles as found in the U.S. Constitution

Briefly explain the Fundamental principles as found in the U.S. Constitution below and identify how each is at work in the American political system. Limited Government: Include Constitutional […]
July 10, 2020
Similarities and Differences between 4 Moments in History

Expansion of Business in Mexico

In this expansion of business in Mexico paper, complete the following; Chapter 1 Discuss the corporate control of your business. Explain why your business in Mexico […]
July 10, 2020
Specialty nursing practice vs advanced practice nursing

Specialty nursing practice vs advanced practice nursing

Fo this specialty nursing practice vs advanced practice nursing paper, differentiate between specialty nursing practice and advanced practice nursing by comparing and contrasting specialty nursing practice […]
July 10, 2020
Critical Thinking Exercise

Critical Thinking Exercise

Review the following sample student paper and answer the following Critical Thinking Exercise questions: What do you notice about the sample research paper? What are its […]
July 10, 2020
Logos, pathos and ethos

Logos, pathos and ethos

For this Argumentation Essay,  consider the concepts of logos, pathos and ethos; 1. Logos—means Logic. Most of your essay should be dealing with logic. This includes […]
July 5, 2020
Conducting Functional Assessment of Behavior

Conducting Functional Assessment of Behavior

In this Conducting Functional Assessment of Behavior assignment, you will identify a behavior that requires defining and study by conducting research on the behavior’s antecedents and […]
July 3, 2020

Impact of recognition systems

Blanche is a behavioral researcher. She would like to evaluate the impact of recognition systems on the % of time one staff member engages in positive […]
July 3, 2020
USCIS generic and diversification strategies

USCIS generic and diversification strategies

In this paper, examine united states citizenship and immigration services (USCIS) generic and diversification strategies, its international moves, and its ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability […]